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Currently reading

Creative Prayer: Speaking the Language of God's Heart
Chris Tiegreen
Jesus Calling: A 365 Day Journaling Devotional
Sarah Young
Shadow of Night
Deborah Harkness
The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry
Rachel Joyce
The Monsters of Otherness  - Kaza Kingsley The second book about Erec Rex, and I think I might even like this a tad more than the first book. The first book tired to introduce too much of a new universe too quickly, which made the start rather cluttered. This sequel didn't suffer from that issue, meaning that the plot was a lot cleaner and got started much faster.Of course the story is rather predictable, but it's well-written and fun! I like the main characters, and loved hearing about the tasks Erec had to fulfill in order to become a king -- even if he did only manage the first 2 in this book. I'm already looking forward to reading the next!