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Currently reading

Creative Prayer: Speaking the Language of God's Heart
Chris Tiegreen
Jesus Calling: A 365 Day Journaling Devotional
Sarah Young
Shadow of Night
Deborah Harkness
The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry
Rachel Joyce

The Dark Is Rising (Dark Is Rising Sequence (Simon Pulse))

The Dark is Rising - Susan Cooper, Susan Cooper A 2.5 star review.I'm very obviously the exception that proves the rule. I thought Over Sea, Under Stone was heaps better than The Dark is Rising. Probably mostly because I like the Drew kids better than Will. I never really got to care for him the way I did the others.A shame, because I really wanted to love this. I'd heard so many good things about it, and I can definitely see its charms... but I never felt them. And when I didn't feel them, I can't love the book. I felt too much like an outsider looking in rather than somebody actually taking part in the action. It constantly kept its distance.I can see that the Drew kids as well as Will all turn up in the next book, so I'll still give that one a chance to charm me :)